What I’m Learning…

Happy Hump Day to ya. First things first. I wanted to show you a picture of my dog, Charlie. He’s checking out all the cool cats(and by cats, I mean all different kinds of people) that walk by our new house during the day. He doesn’t bark or anything crazy. He’s just inquisitive. He’s not supposed to be on the couch, but I let him anyway.


Bare with me. I don’t usually get too deep with the words, but every now and then I do. I wanted to share with you the number one thing I’m learning right now:

Whatever it is that God put you on this earth to do, live it out with the intent to make others better. You’ll find yourself get better in the process.

I may not may not know you, so therefore I don’t know what you believe, but I hope you know that you exist on this earth for a purpose. You’re not here by accident. And everyday you have a choice… you can either live your life just going through the motions, or you can live your life with purpose. 

Without trying to sound too dramatic, half way through 2015, I had a quarter life crisis (actually, not really…but I had some things to think through). I woke up every morning feeling like my life had no purpose. I had a great job – a job that so many would love to have – at my church. But something just didn’t feel right. I felt like(for me) I wasn’t in the best spot to make the most impact in this world – and all I’ve ever really wanted to do was simply help people make their lives better. Every single day at work I would walk past the same sign in the same stairwell that said: “What would you do for God if you knew you couldn’t fail?” All I could think about was how I wanted to coach, train, and ultimately make people better through fitness, nutrition, their habits, and ultimately their lifestyle. For the longest time I shrugged those feelings off because that dream seemed impossible. First off, I knew nothing. Second off, I already had a full time job. Third, I was so scared of rejection and failure. People continually called this out in me, and I just laughed it off because for the previous two years, I was always the girl in CrossFit that was there to get a great workout, release stress, utilize my competitive drive, and make friends. But as my coaches would go over technique in all those complex movements you have to do, I really just didn’t care. (I now wish I could take all of that back 🙂 I was wrestling with all kinds of feelings in my job before Daniel and I decided that it was best for me to just get out, reevaluate where I was at, and start working toward these dreams I had to help people help themselves and ultimately make their lives better.

We invested the money to get my CrossFit Level 1 Cert. Despite being the most humbled as they picked apart all of my movements, it was one of the best weekends of my life. I passed the test, got my certificate in the mail, and immediately became the best trainer that ever lived. Hahahahaha, actually that last part is 100% false. But my eyes were opened, and since that weekend in December, I’ve been working hard to make myself better – so that I can ultimately make other people better. The JOY that I’ve found through that can’t be beat. I promise.  There’s something about this working out thing… You naturally bond with people over mutual experiences, like working out. And when you’re training or coaching someone, they’ll tell you allllllll about what’s going on in their life. I have LOVED getting to build relationships with people I’m training or coaching. It always goes back to relationships. How can you not care about the people you’re investing time and energy into?

Right now I know about 1% of what I would love to know, but I’m working towards learning more. First of all, I’m at the gym 6 days a week learning from the best coaches around. I’m not saying that ignorantly either. I go to a gym where the owners and coaches genuinely care. Several months ago, they cared enough to not let a trainwreck like me just jump in there and start coaching class by myself — and I’m really thankful for that. Nick and Cindy are the owners of CrossFit Electric City, and they took a chance on me. That’s for sure. Back in November, they started letting me help out in class, and it was one of the most fun, yet uncomfortable things I’ve ever done. (It actually still is). I remember the first time I went over the workout in front of class, my brain froze, and I’m sure nothing I said made sense. Not only are Nick and Cindy great coaches, but they are great friends of our’s. They’ve been in this fitness thing for a looong time. I look up to them, and I’m pretty much watching their every move in the gym. My life wouldn’t be the same right now if it weren’t for them, and Dan and I are very grateful for that. I kinda just started showing up to help coach back in November and made the gym my second home, and they just went with it I guess. I don’t take that for granted. Nick has called out a lot of potential in me and has believed in me more than the majority of the world, so I’m thankful for that too. If you’ve ever been trained or coached by Nick or Cindy, you know that this is more than just a business. They’ve invested a lot of time, money, and resources into making the fine people of Anderson,SC better.

Here’s a pic of Cindy and Nick in their gym, CrossFit Electric City. Nick is pretty chill- except when he nails me in the head in nutmeg. Check out his beard. And Cindy (tiny Cindy) is somewhere around five and a half months preggo with their baby boy (name yet to be determined, but right now, he is Iron Man Potato Head Meeks). 


photo cred: Josh Wilson Photography

I’ve also been able to learn a lot from my friends Kelly and Colin. They’re both coaches at CFEC. I already told you about how great Kelly is a couple of weeks ago here.  But I also want to make it known that CFEC wouldn’t be the same without Colin Leonard. The guy has a gift. Mostly everything he says just makes sense. He’s a great coach. He’s patient. He’s smart. He wants to see others get better. Him and his wife Lindsey (and their famous, now toddler Emerson) are some of our great friends, too. Last Wednesday, Colin was helping me with ring muscle ups. He tried thing where he spotted me on the rings, and something just clicked with me. He said something that I’ll never forget — “I’m no longer concerned about making Colin Leonard great. I want to make Alison Stall great.” He said it because he sees potential in me. The fact that he would even say that meant a lot to me, and I’ll never forget it. The reason I’m even telling you this is not to rave about the imporvement in muscle ups, but because I want to be a coach like Colin– someone that wants to make others great.

Here’s a picture of Colin and me (and Em, who is not my baby) back in July when we competed at the Independence Games in Florence together.


Who knows what the future holds?– But for right now, this has felt right. God has humored me as he’s brought me clients to train. But I’m beginning to believe that I am good at it. Am I where I want to be? Hell no. But am I WAY better than I was in November? Definitely yes. And the coolest thing is that as I’m having these opportunities to help others get better, I’m getting better in the process. I’m implementing what I’m dishing out, and I’m seeing results in my own life.

If you want to get better, spend as much time as you can around great people. Write down what they say. Listen to them. Do what they do. I hope this encourages you to figure out what you’re good at, and use it. Don’t waste that gift. That would be lame. If you don’t know what you’re good at, ask someone that actually knows you. Life is way better when you use your gifts to help other people. And most importantly, life is too short to be stuck in a rut. If you feel like you’re supposed to step out in faith and do something crazy, do it. Like me, you don’t have to have it all together. Just promise yourself (and those that have taken a chance on you) that you’re going to hustle, learn everything you can, and be humble. Results will come.

So, with all that said, let me know how I can help you. If I don’t know the answer, I’ll go figure it out for you. CrossFit may not be for everyone, but CFEC has other options as well. There’s something for everyone. Email me if you’re interested.


I leave you with some classic song lyrics (well, not really classic.. pretty sure the song is only a couple years old) but music speaks:

“Keep the earth below my feet
For all my sweat, my blood runs weak
Let me learn from where I have been
Keep my eyes to serve, my hands to learn”

-Mumford and Sons

From Good to Great – My Friend, Nicole Bowen’s Story

Rain. Blah. Rain is frustrating when you’re trying to move your stuff across the city. Rain has been the norm over the past 6 months or so in South Carolina. It saddens me.

You know what isn’t sad though? Great, hardworking people. I said awhile back that I want to use this blog as a platform to rave about the awesome people in my life. CrossFit Electric City has a lot of them. I hope your gym does too. If you want to meet all kinds of people that aren’t like you, get out of your bubble and go to the gym. You’ll meet all kinds of people there.

I’ve had the opportunity to workout alongside Nicole Bowen over the past 3 years. We started CrossFit around the same time. Nicole is a former rower at Clemson. You won’t find a more hardworking person – for real. She works at TTI, does a lot of freelance on the side, somehow makes it to the gym 5 days a week, and is in a D Group(which requires a lot of discipline). On top of that, she is incredibly generous, and she is passionate about always giving her best.

Awhile back, Nicole had some bumps in the road in her fitness journey, and honestly, just life in general. Nicole told me that she has always put an incredible amount of pressure on herself to be a great athlete, friend, and just all around human. However, she felt like she always fell short — being more on the side of “good,” not “great.”

I wanted to share her story, in her own words, because maybe you can relate to Nicole. Her story hits home for me too.

Fast Forward  – I’ve been able to witness Nicole get better in all kinds of ways over the past couple of months. I’ve watched her go from “good” to “great” in the way she carries herself. Great doesn’t always have to mean you’re the best at everything in the gym (Whoa, that would be a lot of pressure, and life is about more than that). I believe that being “great” is all in how you carry yourself. I’ve watched a transformation in Nicole over the past couple of months. In the past, Nicole would get SO down on herself for not meeting her own crazy standards that she put on herself. She would scream, cry, and get SO down on herself. Just ask her about it. We’ve all had our moments, but I think the pressure really got to Nicole. But Nicole has changed. I’ve watched her live a little, laugh at herself more, shake it off, and move on. And I believe THAT has made Nicole better – a better friend, teammate, and ultimately athlete. For real, if you look at her now, she’s better now than she ever has been. She’s moving quickly (even with burpees), and her strength is coming back scary fast! My mouth literally drops watching her throw weight around. And she can butterfly her chest to bar pullups. (Teach me, Nicole). It has been fun to watch, for sure!

Nicole is READY for the CrossFit Games Open this year. And watch out world, because she’s more prepared than ever to show up and have her best Open yet.




My Break from Life, Friends and Crossfit (In Nicole’s Own Words)

This past year has been one of the most challenging years, mentally and physically, that I have come across thus far. It seemed as if no matter what I did it wasn’t good enough for anything, anyone, and not even myself. I struggled at work, with my freelance work, my friends and relationships with them, my Christianity, and athletic goals. My world was crashing down around me and I kept digging myself into a bigger hole or so I thought.

It all started last summer when I felt like I was in a rut with my spiritual life and I had met with Stephanie Fura and she told me about D Group. Basically D Group is the “Crossfit “ of bible study and it was honestly something that I needed. It’s embarrassing for me to admit that I had gone to Catholic School my entire life to know nothing of the Lord or have anything to show of it other than the few things that were “burned into me” prayer wise from repetition. Once I had gotten back from Charleston I decided to join a group and started my spiritual journey with God as my center.

As the weeks moved forward I felt that I was making great progress with all aspects in my life but I kept having a heavier and heavier workload from work and freelance that was truly impacting me physically and mentally. I was constantly exhausted and never could get the right balance between everything. I struggled with my timing or ever having the time to meal prep, see friends, or do basic chores around my house because I was always working countless hours a day.

I finally hit rock bottom when I was about to row a 2k with a coworker during our lunch break in September. As I was warming up and stretching in spider stretch, I slipped on the smooth concrete floor and dislocated my shoulder … STRETCHING. Just my luck right? I’m trying to get back into the gym and then this happens. Unfortunately, I have dealt with a lot of injuries throughout my time as an athlete. Each time that it happens it just seemed like a slap in the face. I have always been the “GOOD” athlete with the heart to push myself and work hard but never was the “GREAT” athlete that would make it in the top spot, top boat, or top finish. Being a competitive and passionate person in athletics and everything that I was involved in to took a toll on me over time. It kept me from giving any attention to myself because I was so focused on everyone else and their needs when I couldn’t meet my own.

When this happened I felt like it was time for me to throw in the towel and give up. I was never going to be the ideal person that I wanted to be or strived to be which only sunk me deeper and deeper into the rut that I was falling into. I stopped going to the gym most days and said I didn’t have time. I made excuses for everything on why I couldn’t do it. There were days where I would come home and eat a bag of Cheetos and a pint of ice cream because I thought to myself well it really doesn’t matter anymore because I am not worth it or it doesn’t matter what I do its not going to help me or hurt me in the long run. My mindset was really going through the ringer.

As time went by, I realized that I had a competition that I had signed up for at the beginning of December with my partner Derek. There were many times we talked about dropping out or me finding him a different partner that would actually participate well. He wouldn’t accept that ha! His mindset was for I needed to do this for myself and show that I can do anything that I set my mind to and that we were going to do this competition for fun, nothing else and that the outcome didn’t matter. I “got back” into the gym but still struggled due to the holidays. When I did start back, after therapy, etc. I decided to focus on the “fitness group” and the non-competitor group. My new struggle was going in thinking I would do well to only get my “lack of better words”… ass handed to myself. The reality was that I had to clear my mind and refocus myself to why I was doing Crossfit. Not just for the competitive side, but because I really enjoyed it and the people I was around.

It honestly wasn’t until Derek and I did that competition before Christmas to realize how much I missed THIS. By THIS I meant the atmosphere of the people, places, friendships, competition, and camaraderie. Not sure if it was the adrenaline that I was feeling but my first event that Derek and I participated in felt like I could do anything. I went into the remaining events with my head held high but was sadly beaten down again by myself. The second event even though we had practiced it didn’t go as planned. I failed reps, couldn’t hold my own, and just overall felt that hot anger take over me because I couldn’t do the simplest tasks. When the time cap came to a close I couldn’t get away fast enough. I was embarrassed and scared at the same time. I wanted to quit and fully give up. If it hadn’t of been for Derek and Alison to talk me into continuing I probably would have left. This showed me that I had truly special and inspiring people in my life that I was shutting out. I left that competition more humble than I had been in a really long time. This was just only the beginning of my new journey.

I had told myself that the New Year was going to be the new beginning for me, and my journey back to where I want to be. It wasn’t going to be the typical cliché new years resolution of fly and die but a total refocus in that everything that I do is a building and humbling experience. There were going to be days where I would excel and there will be days I will fall behind, but the key was taking the step and moving forward everyday. This really hit home for me when I had gotten one of the most motivating and inspiring gifts from my roommate, Stephanie Trotter. She had made a box of quotes for everyday of the year compiled of bible versus, famous sayings, and tidbits that she had collected from my closest friends. Now every day I start my day with one of these quotes, daily bible reading, and daily devotional (My Upmost for His Highest by: Oswald Chambers – Thanks Shandi! This has forever changed me). All of those set the tone for me and helped get my mind right because I now know I cannot control everything –  only God can –  and we cannot do life alone. So each day is a new day and sometimes you just need to take step back and humble yourself in order to succeed.

“ I will find more within myself” – Julie Foucher



Nicole was my partner in Clash of the Titans Competition last June. It was a lot of fun. We got 1st place.


Back in 2013 – competing in Statesboro together. Nicole got 2nd. I got 4th. This was one of the first times Daniel and I hung out with Nicole outside of our gym. 


Apex Games in GVL in 2014. Nicole did great. Dan did great. He took my place because I couldn’t walk. Good husband, he is.


Nicole and Derek competing at The Independence Games back in July 2015. Derek is a great friend, and has been a huge encouragement to Nicole over the past couple of years. 



Super Wilsons

Some of the best advice I’ve ever received: Spend as much time as you can with the kind of people you want to be like 5 years from now. The entire Wilson family (most specifically, Kelly) has been that for me. I met the Wilsons back in October 2011, shortly after Daniel and I got married. Dan served with Kelly at church, and she mentioned that she needed help watching her boys during the day while she worked. Later that week, I met the Wilsons and began watching the boys 3-4 days during the week. Who would have thought that my relationship with them would grow into the friendship that it is today.

The Wilsons have greatly impacted Daniel and me over the past 4-1/2 years of knowing them. We’ve learned a lot from them, we’ve laughed with them, and we’ve loved being able to spend a lot of time with their boys. The Wilsons are the reason we started doing CrossFit in the first place. They too would tell you that their life has been impacted by CrossFit and CFEC. Families like them make CFEC what it is. Kelly coaches on Monday mornings, and she leads our CrossFit Kids program – “KidFit.” KidFit takes place at our gym on Tuesday and Thursday afternoons. It averages 20+ kids on these days. The coolest thing about KidFit is the families it has brought in to our gym that maybe wouldn’t have stuck with CrossFit or CFEC if it weren’t for their kids loving it. Kelly leads the way in teaching kids functional movements, like the squat and deadlift, just to name a couple of movements. Jason is one of the strongest guys in our gym. I’m always trying to beat him. He won’t admit it, but he loves working out to Lil Jon & DJ Snake’s 2014 hit “Turn Down for What” And even more importantly, he goes out of his way to speak to anyone and everyone at the gym. All three of the Wilson boys are a part of KidFit. They love it. (Even Isaiah. Don’t let him fool you. His 6th Bday party was a CrossFit party at the gym). Oh, and watch out world, Branson just signed up to do his first competition this July. At age 4, Gray is the youngest in KidFit, but he can out hustle all of the other kids. He’s pretty good at “Kick the Can,” and he can now better run in a straight line.




The Wilsons are some of our best friends, and Daniel and I have been beneficiaries of their generosity too many times to count. If you know them, you too have most likely been impacted by their generosity.


Besides coaching, Kelly Homeschools the boys (ages 8, 6, & 4). She knows she’s called to it, and she’s done an amazing job following through in that calling – especially on the really hard days. But she’s really quick to tell you that it’s 100% worth it. On top of that, she is Jason’s wife, and his #1 support as he leads our church and the several hundred staff there. She’s the busiest person I know, but she still takes the time to pour into me. I run things by Kelly all the time. She’s given me great advice and all, but I learn the most by just hanging out with her and watching her be a great, but very real and raw, wife and a mom.


Jason is a leader. You won’t find a more humble guy that will go out of his way to serve others no matter what. I’ve had the opportunity to see him lead our church, but more importantly, I’ve been able to see first hand how great of a husband and father he is. That’s a leader that I’d follow anywhere- He’s not one that just pretends to be a leader on instagram or twitter(ha, he doesn’t even tweet), but he actually lives out at home what everyone else sees during the work day. That’ll preach life changing sermons. He’s fought for me and looked out for my best interest in ways that I probably don’t even know. I’m most thankful for Jason for allowing me to hang out with his wife at their breakfast table every week after they get home from their date- sometimes pretty late into the night. I’m sure deep down, he resents me for that, but getting to watch the boys and then hang with Kelly is one of my favorite times of the week, so, thanks Jason!

20291_10100143683774058_7042059561073289895_n.jpgI like to tell everyone that Branson is my 8 year old best friend. He’s the kid that I honestly could bring with me anywhere, and he would be cool – like he doesn’t get on my nerves like you’d think an 8 year old kid would. He’s a good kid. Period. He’s generous. He has a huge heart. (Ok, I’m totally tearing up right now). I have so many favorite memories with Brans, but #1 has to be at the Gauntlet in 2012. The Wilsons let me tag along that year to help watch the boys while Jason and Kelly led a Campus Pastor retreat that same week. One night while J and K were at the Gauntlet night session, I got to lead Branson to Christ. Right there in Daytona Beach, FL, he asked Jesus to come into his little 4 year old heart. I’m so thankful for that. I get really excited thinking about the cool things he’s going to get to be a part of in his lifetime. He’s a leader, for sure. All 8 years of him.

10525834_887359797388_1158140186526688018_nIsaiah – Sweet, charming Isaiah. He gets me with those blue eyes of his. He’s brilliant – really. He’s 6, but I already see him doing something really smart in life, like being a lawyer or a weatherman. His favorite place to eat is by far Waffle House. One of my favorite things about Isaiah is how he loves to help me cook and bake. Branson and Gray could care less, but Isaiah always pulls up a chair and helps. While Brans and Gray are always comin’ at me, trying to knock me down, Isaiah usually wants to read a book. I’m thankful for that. I can’t hang with all that wrestling for too long. If you know even a little about the Wilson’s story, you know that Isaiah 100% completes their family.

1619417_980768919758_7481018032303098946_nYour life isn’t complete if you don’t know ^ this guy ^. I’m not ashamed to say that Gray Wilson is one of my favorite humans. I keep reassuring myself that even as he gets older, he’ll still always hold my hand and sit in my lap when we watch movies. The kid will win your heart over. And he is tough as nails. He hustles really hard, and he can hang with his big brothers. The best thing about Gray though is his humor – and his cheeks. But for real, the things he comes up with to make me laugh. Raise your hand if you think Kelly needs to write a book of “Gray-isms!” Gray was a whoppin’ 4 months old when I started hanging out with the boys. You wouldn’t believe it from the looks of him now, but he was so little! -And I was terrified. I dropped him on his head once, but we both survived.

Obviously this post has nothing to do with nutrition or fitness. But the purpose of this whole blog is to help people be better in life. One way to get better is to learn from great people. Spend time with people you want to be like. Be intentional about it. If you don’t have kids, offer to hang with their kids – for free. That’s an easy way to make a difference in their life as well. Daniel and I are forever grateful for the Wilsons. #SuperWilsons4Life.



What my 6 am CrossFit Class has Taught Me (And a shoutout to Brooke Taylor)


Ok. So, if you know me, you know I love CrossFit. It’s changed my life. Intense, short workouts that guarantee results, excellent coaching, and competing against myself and others are just a few reasons why it’s worked for me. My gym has all of the things said in the previous sentence. But you know what makes it really great? It’s the people. With CrossFit, the feel is very tight knit community-ish (or it should be, at least). Coaches should lead the way in this because people aren’t just a monthly payment, they are someone who has the potential to get better. My gym has this down. I’ve seen it for three years.

All of our classes are tight, but there’s something really special about our 6 am class. I used to go to 6 am class so I could get a workout in before going to work. Now I go because these people are some of my best friends. Five days a week (well, not always on Friday), we sweat together, we lift together, we celebrate together, we laugh together, and we watch each other get better. We also check up on each other through text or snapchat (ha) when someone doesn’t show up when they said they would.

I can remember when Brooke got her first bar muscle up after class, and a group of us stayed and cheered her on, or when Suzanne Collins got her first kipping pullup before she turned 40, which was a big goal of her’s. I remember when Meghan split jerked 135# after not even doing CrossFit that long. I can keep going, but you may not even have any idea what these things are, and that’s ok. I just want you to see that we celebrate each other. But we laugh a lot too– over things like deciphering rap lyrics, or falling on our faces while doing muscle up progressions. This sure beats running (actually sprinting) by myself on the treadmill like I used to do at another gym in Anderson. Gross.

There are a group of girls at 6 am class that push me to try harder, be better than I was the day before, but most importantly — to laugh. The driving force behind this at our little 6 am class is my good friend, Brooke Taylor.

Brooke started CrossFit back in June 2014. She will tell you that she came in the gym with me on her lunch break just to check it out AND to make fun of CrossFitters (that little punk). But Nick, the owner of the gym, connected with her over Clemson and Collegiate Diving, and THAT is why she came back. Nick wasn’t being fake. He genuinely asked her questions about herself because he was being a normal human, and he’s nice (most of the time). Needless to say, sweet little Brookie changed her mind and started CrossFit — and got good – like really good! She’s one of the best. And she’s lost over 20 lbs since starting CrossFit! She’s really humble though, so she prob won’t admit to you that she easily split jerked 175 pounds just yesterday morning, or that she can walk on her hands, or that she can string together bar muscle ups and butterfly pullups like it’s nothin’, or that she won a competition this past July!

But you know what Brooke is best at? Encouraging the people around her. And laughing. I’d rather be good at those things than good at working out any day. 

Brooke and I were friends and all before she came to CFEC(we worked together and went to church together), but now we’re close. She’s been a big influence in my life. She’s generous. I’ve experienced that first hand. She prays for Daniel and me. I know because she tells me. That’s a friend (one that tells you they’re praying for you and you know they really mean it). In the past several months, more than just a couple of times, I have VENTED to her at the gym about something or someone (sorry, just being real) and she pretty much won’t say anything bad back about the situation or the person. She just listens. That’s a friend.

I tell you all of this not to bring attention to Brooke (well kinda, she deserves it) but for two reasons:

  1. To show you a real person making a difference in the people around her through CrossFit.
  2. To convince you that working out in a group (hopefully with friends) wins all day, everyday vs. working out alone. I may not know you, but here’s what I know about you: If you have a group of people around you that encourage you and push you through your workouts, you’re more likely to stick with it. Life is just better that way. Make some new friends(that aren’t weird) and get a good workout in to make you more fit. It’s a double win.

I wish everyone could experience our little 6 am CrossFit class at CFEC, and I hope you have some sort of community that’s just as good, if not better. If you don’t, come hang out with us at CFEC. 6 am. It’s definitely worth getting up early for.

**See, look. 3 blog entries in, and I’m making your life better already.**
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The best person I’ve ever known…

IMG_0886 (1).jpg
One of the last pics we’ll take together in front of our first house. Actually this may be the only pic we’ve ever taken in front of this house.

Before I write anything else, I wanted to rave about my man, Daniel. He’s the reason I started this so called blog anyway. He had been trying to get me to do it for a month, and finally, on Friday, he won.

To know Dan, is to love ’em. He’s hilarious. For real. He’ll make you belly laugh all the time. He’s generous. And he’s strong – like he can totally out deadlift and out squat and out clean most of you guys. He’s good lookin’, and he’s mine. So I win. Marriage isn’t always easy. We’ve had our fair share of WTH’s over the past 4 years, but I think I did pretty good.

The past two months have been a whirlwind with a lot of uncertainties, to say the least. Not only has Daniel sacrificed and worked harder to provide for us, but he’s been the most steady, encouraging, and supportive throughout it all.

He’s pushed me to not go find a “job,” but instead to pursue what I’m passionate about. Even when I’ve looked into a couple of opportunities, he’s guided me back to doing what I love. Well, two months into it, and I’m hooked. I don’t see myself doing anything else but this.He even spent a weekend in Charlotte with me back in December while I got my CrossFit Level 1 Cert. (I guess you can call that an investment and a sacrifice on his part). A lot of our convos lately have been about the gym, coaching, and everything I learned that day — you would think it would be a total bore for him. But he genuinely listens, and he tells me how proud he is of me. It’s weirdddddd alright. Almost like too good to be true. But it’s not. Grace – the free and unmerited favor of God. I’m learning more and more in this season that Daniel is one of the biggest reps of grace in my life.

Thanks, babe, for working hard for us. Thanks for putting up with my mess on the daily. Thanks for being a great leader (both for me and in your job) and for being “my biggest fan” over the past 6 years of being together.


“You’re the reason that I feel so strong
The reason that I’m hanging on
You know you gave me all the time
Oh, did I give enough of mine?
Hold on, darling
This body is yours,
This body is yours and mine
Well hold on, my darling
This mess was yours,
Now your mess is mine.”
-Vance Joy, “Mess is Mine”